Why Do People Trust Central Bankers?

30 June 2023

Under the current circumstances, there is a need for a movement against the bankers, similar to the yellow vest protests. However, anti-globalist demonstrations during G7 summits miss the mark by targeting the wrong rulers. The history of the Occupy Wall Street movement serves as a reminder of how such opposition is swiftly quashed. The dictatorship of the bankers prevails, as seen with Mario Draghi and Jerome Powell’s actions prioritizing stability at taxpayers’ expense. The looming introduction of the digital dollar and the preparedness for the next crisis demonstrate the power and influence of the banking elite. The Bundesbank’s potential bailout reveals the underlying complexities of the financial world, with the average citizen bearing the consequences. The ECB’s actions in financing the private US money industry further highlights the entanglement between central banks and powerful financial institutions. The euro’s longevity is questionable in the face of mounting challenges and potential losses.

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