Don’t Trust the Government with Your Privacy, Property or Your Freedoms

Don’t Trust the Government with Your Privacy, Property or Your Freedoms

How do you trust a government that continuously sidesteps the Constitution and undermines our rights?...

The Great Depression's Patsy

The proximate cause of the world depression was a structurally flawed and poorly managed international...

Corporate Insiders Embark On A Buyers' Strike: Felder

While the average investor continues to BTFD, insiders see few bargains....

The 3-Month Trend of S&P 500 FY2 EPS Revision Sentiment Stands at -31% most negative since 2008

“More than 20% of S&P 500 market cap has preannounced in 4Q 2022, the highest...

Budget Deficit Exceeds $1.4T in 2022

The Federal Government ran a deficit of -$85B in December. While this was much smaller...

China's $7 Trillion "Hidden Debt" Is Back In Focus

While optimism toward China has been growing amid the economic reopening, the recent loan restructuring...

Market To Fed: The Economy Can't Handle Restrictive Rates For Long

The Fed is making overtures in the direction of easier monetary policy, bringing the central...

Congress to Hike Debt Limit With $31.5T in Fed Debt & Staggering $173.6T in Unfunded Liabilities

Its that time again when Congress does its Kabuki Theater drama about raising the US...

Food Prices Rise Again, a Bit Slower, What's in Your Basket?

The Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U) fell 0.1 percent in December on...

UMich Inflation Expectations Plunge To 20-Month Lows

Once again, the most crucial aspect of the UMich sentiment survey is respondents’ forecasts for...

State by State Demographics, Populations, Housing Units, Home Prices: Econimica

State by State Demographics, Populations, Housing Units, Home Prices (Rhode Island through Wyoming)...

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